Service Data: Introduction

The Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector enriches British social and civic life in many, measurable ways. Demonstrating this impact and quantifying the value of the sector is an important task.

Data generated through service provision is a good place to start to build an evidence base. The data can be split into two types: routine and specific.

Routine data

Routine data can be thought of as everyday day and includes: Demographics; Numbers of service users; Processes of the service – courses run, attendance, etc; Costs of service elements; Needs of service users.

Specific data

Other specific data might be linked to service goals. This data might include: Effectiveness measures – i.e. outcome success rates; Quality measures – i.e. user ratings of services or satisfaction surveys; Efficiency measures – DNA rates.

What to do with the data

Service data can tell us about the outcomes and impact of the service. Some basic analysis can show: Basic analysis tells you

  1. What is working

  2. Who it works for

  3. How it works

  4. How much success costs